Did you help plant vegetables or flowers in the school garden?
I popped in yesterday durinhg my exercise to see how they are growing. I am glad to say that Mr Ricardo and Mr Franco have been looking after them really well.
Are you growing anything during lockdown? Even if you have no garden you can use a balcony or sunny window sill.
You could keep a diary and record each week the progress of your plant - its height, how many leaves, when the first buds appear, the first flowers and send it in to Chalkhill Writers so it can appear here.
Now for a quiz - can you name these plants? Link to answers at the bottom of the page
1. Ms Olie will be very pleased with this one |
2. Yummy - this fruit is different because it has seeds on the outside |
3. Not tall enough for Jack yet |
4. Used to make a delicious crumble |
5. This fruit bush has gone a bit crazy. Children joke about blowing one. |
6. There are two plants here. One is said to keep away the devil and the other has a round head | | | | | | | | | | | | |
That's the fruit and vegetables done. Can you name these flowers:
7. The name is sometimes used for someone who is lonely at a party or dance |
8. This lovely flower was named after a Greek Goddess who rode on rainbows. Also a girl's name. |
9. A beautiful member of the onion family - bees love it! |
10. We planted this in memory of Joyce Bacchus one of our school governors |
11. Named after a mythical creature - do you know why? |
12. This one had me puzzled... it used to be really valuable |
HERE for the answers.
We have also got vegetables growing in the community allotment next to the railway line in Anton Place. There we have cauliflower seedlings, courgettes, tomatoes, onions, radishes and potatoes.
I wonder if you will be back in school in time to eat them?
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